10 Things You Need To Know About Role Model- The New Music Sensation

Everything You Need to Know About Role Model

Role Model is to be a new music sensation! He has lighted up the music industry with his vastly hit song - "Minimal" over YouTube and Spotify. 

Who Is Role Model?

Tucker Pillsbury, Vastly known as Role Model, is a Singer-songwriter.

10 Things You Don't Know About Role Model

1. He actually wanted to work in the film industry!

“I wanted to direct and produce movies. But at the end of my freshman year [college], I had met these two kids who had recorded themselves by rapping. I have never seen that before. I didn't know that you could do it yourself like that at home. They brought all this equipment over to my dorm and we were just fucking around, freestyling. They left the equipment at my dorm. I played around with that for, like, three weeks and just fell in love with it. I watched all the YouTube tutorials about how to record yourself? I was never have fallen in love with something that quick, except for the film. I a just stuck with it from there.”

2. In Fact, he started to Rapping

“I am always freestyled with my friends without the thought of ever recording something. It was a trash man! I saw these two kids taking it very seriously and I was like, 'Wait! This is really pretty cool man.' Then I started doing rapping and I had a couple of mixtapes out. I believe that I have cleared from the internet, HOPEFULLY,”

3. He stumbled across singing by accident!

“It was something that I had never crossed my brain...... I was just digging through those beats that the people had sent me a couple of years ago. One of them was that guitar sample and a beat--- -- I think it was a Penny and the Quarters sample-- and I had just started singing a melody to it and I had ended up recording it. I was like, 'Holy shit, this is actually kind of good!"

4. Much of his debut EP-Arizona in the Summer was produced by a guy who was 16!

“Then I just started to make all these songs and I had worked really closely with this producer from my hometown in Maine. He's a really young kid -- at the time I think he was 16 and he was just sending me all these guitar-heavy tracks with hip-hop drums. I was like, 'Damn! I would love to make a whole project with the sound.''

6. He says he wanted people to cry while dancing to his songs!

“I'm very obsessed with juxtapositions. I liked the idea of finding beauty in pains. But I love the challenge of putting those things I'm going through, which are extremely dark, into big, beautiful, happy-sounding songs. My thinking is that it will have a better effect than me just singing about the depressions over some sad-ass! Piano chords.'

7. He believed music had become more accessible

“Even the way I got into making music is a perfect example..ye it is! You could literally set a studio on your desk in your room man! Everyone can make a song now.....and you don't need to have lots of money. 

8. And with that has come the deconstruction of “myth of the popstar”

“Surely there are still those people, as example-Dua Lipa and Billie Eilish. But Billie Eilish does a really good job of not making it feel like she is really untouchable. But you can use social media to connect with your fans and stay extremely personal with t/m. Whereas before, you'd only see them on TV and in music videos.''

9. He just released a cover of Miley Cyrus’s The Climb

“I was on my way of a session with one producer and that song somehow popped up on my Apple Music. I then texted my manager saying, 'LISTEN, I'm going to have this producer to  reproduce this song for me because I want to try and sing it.''

10. But with everything happening, he’s not really thinking about the future

“Sometimes- Things just pop up randomly every day, so then I don't like to plan ahead that much and I don't like to make too many goals for my career. In my opinion- it's much better to take it as day-by-day. In that case-things will work out.'
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