10 Common Myths About Sex

10 Common Myths About Sex


1. After a sex man returns to the pre-aroused state, women return to a semi-aroused state. For guys, it's a total system shutdown.

2. Married couples in their twenties have sex an average of two and a half times a week.

3. Condoms are most frequently made of Latex, but can also be made outer of polyurethane.

4. Women say that the part of a man's body that they admire the most is his buttocks.

5. Bald men have stronger sex drives.

6. People who live together have the most active sex lives, followed by ( in descending order) divorced men, married people and singles.

7. More American loses their virginity in June than any other month!

8. When swans go  on a date, they will pull their heads together then they stick together for life

9. There are about 1000 recognized words for ' Vagina:

10. Single women are more attracted to men who are taken than to those who are available.

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