8 Facts about Sex you Don't Know

8 Did You Know Facts About Sex


1 "Erections can occur if a man is frightened, nervous, or has a full bladder."

2" In Africa, one of the common myths that prevailed has been that sexual intercourse with a virgin can cure AIDS."

3"Sexual sadism is a sexual variation in which the person derives sexual pleasure from inflicting pain on someone else."

4 "The cum actually adds vitamins to your body while swallowed and guess what? It is said to whiten your teeth."

5 "Mosquitoes, which mate in the air perform a sex act that lasts only 2 seconds."

6 "Eye contact, or a? the copulatory gaze,? is a primary and powerful tool for attracting a potential date for both men and women. However, the meaning of various types of eye contact differs from culture to culture."

 7 "In order for a woman to have an orgasm during sex, her amygdala, the center for fear and anxiety in the brain, must be turned off."

8 "A survey of 50 female students at the University of Texas revealed that 90 percent of the women are better satisfied by a wider penis, rather than a longer one."

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