Scientific Reason Behind Fear of Bathing in Winter ( Ablutophobia)

Know the reasons for having fear of taking a shower.


Right from the beginning of winter, there is a tendency of not taking a shower. Its a kind of fear that some people have. On the other hand, there are some people who have always fear of bathing or taking a shower, even fear of cleaning or washing.

Well, everyone takes it as a personal problem or a general fact; but actually, it's not a normal matter at all. There is a scientific reason behind these things. These things rely on those who have a phobia called "Ablutophobia".

What is Ablutophobia?

Ablutophobia refers to having fear of bathing, cleaning, or washing. Those who have this phobia always feel uncomfortable when there is a situation for bathing, cleaning, or washing.

Whats Causes Ablutophobia?

Causes of Ablutophobia:

  • Negative Experience: Having an awful memory or experience which is related to bathing or washing.
  • Genetic: If anyone's parents have Ablutophobia; then there is a chance for their children to have the same thing.
  • Changes in Brain Functioning: This causes Aging, Injury, etc.

What are the symptoms of Ablutophobia?

  • In a situation of a bath, getting anxious, feeling uncomfortable, and nervous.
  • When someone says or offers for taking a shower, then acting awkwardly.
  • Sweating
  • faster heart bits
  • Problems of breathing
  • In children; Crying or cringing.

Whats is the diagnosis of Ablutophobia?


If you think you have Ablutophobia, then you should discuss it with your primary doctor.
If he refers that its an anxiety disorder, then he will suggest you console any psychiatrist.

A psychiatrist will look for your problems, will do some tests, and according to the results he will prescribe some medicines, in addition, he will also help you to overcome the fear!!!  

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